- 論文の詳細を見る
Isothermal annular swirling flows with a central jet stream were investigated using a flow visualization technique in order to clarify flow structures near pulverized coal-fired swirl burners. The experiments revealed that the behavior of the central nonswirling jet is significantly affected by the downstream flow system geometry. For flows with a divergent burner tile, observed flow patterns were classified into four categories : type A to D in order of the swirl strength. Type A is a simple jet flow. Type B flows can be seen for the swirl numbers less than 1. 2-1. 3, and are characterized by the way that the primary jet stream rotates around the central recirculation zone. For higher swirl numbers, types C and D, which are steady and axisymmetrical unlike type B, can be seen. The observation revealed that for a certain range of swirl number the flow becomes unsteady and three dimensional, suggesting that time mean figures in terms of transport phenomena should be carefully treated for such flows.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1995-03-25
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