- 論文の詳細を見る
The flow between concentric cylinders is numerically studied by means of a finite difference method. A third-order upwind scheme is applied to the advection terms of the Navier-Stokes equations. The outer cylinder is at rest and the inner cylinder rotates at a constant speed. The ratio of the radii of inner and outer cylinders is fixed at 1. 14 and the height of the cylinders, twenty times longer than the gap between the two concentric cylinders. Cyclic boundary condition is applied in the axial direction. The computation is carried out at the Reynolds numbers, 0. 92R_c, 1. 1R_c, 1. 5R_c and 2. 0R_c, where R_c is the theoretical critical Reynolds number of the Couette flow between the concentric cylinders of infinite length. In the present study, Couette flow is realized at the Reynolds number of 0. 92R_c and steady Taylor vortex flow is obtained for the cases with Re ≧ 1. 1R_c when impulsive start from the rest is employed. Wavy Taylor vortex flow is attained for the cases with 1. 5R_c and 2. 0R_c if small amplitude of random disturbances is added in the Taylor vortex flow solution as an initial condition. Present numerical results are in qualitative consistency with the previously reported studies, and this will give credence to the utilization of present numerical method.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1993-02-25
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