静的曲げ問題のグリーン関数を用いた直交異方性板の振動解析 : 第2報,過渡振動問題への適用
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An approach is proposed for the estimation of free, forced and transient vibrations of an orthotropic plate by using Green's function for a static bending problem. In the previous paper, free and forced vibrations of a simply supported orthotropic rectangular plate were discussed to check the accuracy of the approach. As numerical examples, a free vibration of a rectangular plate with a mass attached in the center was discussed. In the present paper, a transient vibration of an orthotropic plate is discussed by applying Wilson's θ method to a set of discrete equations of motion. First, to discuss the accuracy, numerical computations are carried out for a simply supported rectangular plate subject to a uniformly distributing stepping load. Next, the approach is applied to a simply supported rectangular plate with an attached mass.
- 1988-12-20
論文 | ランダム
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