能動制振方式による機械の地面振動防止対策 : 第5報,ハイブリッド制振法の実験的検討
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In order to suppress the vibration as pollution generated by machines, an active force control method-a hybrid force control method-was proposed in the previous paper. This method aims to eliminate the exciting force of machines in almost all of the frequency range. This paper deals with the realization of the hybrid force control method from a practical point of view. First, based upon the experimental data, the design procedure of the system is presented. Secondly, on the suppression of the vibration as pollution, the control effect in terms of an active damper is considered. Thirdly, from a viewpoint of dynamic compensation, the effectiveness as well as the stabilization procedure of the system is shown. Finally, the realization of the hybrid force control method including both the characteristics of a low-pass filter of an elastic support and that of a high-pass filter of an active force control method is performed experimentally.
- 1985-09-25
論文 | ランダム
- ステ-ション制御処理装置(TCP)
- マイクロプロセッサ
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