5次精度QSIスキームを用いた自由液面流れの数値解析法(流体工学, 流体機械)
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A computational method has been proposed for viscous incompressible flows accompanied by free-surface oscillation. In order to improve the numerical accuracy for internal flows, QSI (quintic spline interpolation) scheme is applied to convection terms. The free-surface profiles are represented by curvilinear coordinates generated on the basis of ALE formulation, in which the governing equations are discretized on the collocated grid system. The velocity-pressure correction is performed with C-HSMAC method, which is effective to preserve fluid mass during the unsteady computation with free-surface deformation. The computational method was applied to small amplitude standing waves, non-linear waves and lid-driven free-surface flows in a cavity. As a result, it has been shown that the computational method has sufficient numerical accuracy for free-surface flows.
- 2002-05-25
論文 | ランダム
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