- 論文の詳細を見る
The vibration propagation characteristics of a large capacity drainage pump station were analyzed by using finite element method in a frequency range of 0-100 Hz. The results were compared with the measured ones and they showed good agreement. The factors that may influence the accuracy of analysis were also investigated. It was demonstrated that (1) the spring constants of the ground have influence only on the results of analysis at low frequency, so that the ground can be modeled as a clamped boundary condition when doing response analysis at high frequency, (2) the damping ratio is frequency dependent and it does not have much influence on the results of analysis at locations near the excitation source, but it has great influence on those at locations away due to the very high mode density. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the responses at locations near the excitation source can be calculated by analyzing only one portion of the structure.
- 2001-07-25
神野 秀基
(株)荏原製作所 風水力機械カンパニー カスタムポンプ事業統括 カスタムポンプ開発統括部
神野 秀基
郭 士傑
荏原総合研究所 ダイナミックス研究室
高部 哲男
(株)荏原製作所 風水力機械カンパニー システム技術統括部 第一プロジェクト設計室
高部 哲男
田納 雅人
久保田 裕之
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