複合管路系の新しい過渡応答シミュレーション法 : 第2報, 効率的な演算手法と多数の管路からなる系のステップ応答
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In the first report of this subject, a new simulation method for obtaining the transient response of composite fluid line systems, such as gas transport networks, air brake systems, pressure instrument lines and pneumatic control systems, has been presented. This simulation is based on the wave diagram of the fluid line system and Brown's approximate step response of semi-infinite line. In this report, two kinds of the reduction technique of the waves are introduced for the effective computation of the transient response. One is the unification of the equivalent and similar waves at any join of lines from the different traveling routes. The other is the elimination of the small waves attenuated by the partial reflection and the long distance propagation. In addition, the step responses of composite fluid line systems (a loop line system and multiline branching systems) are also presented.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1999-10-25
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