スキーヤーとスキー板の連成連動 : 「立ち上がり加重」動作および「沈み込み抜重」動作の解析
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A numerical approach has been proposed for estimating the coupled motion of a skier and skis when the skier performs "up-weighting" motion or "down-unweighting'' motion on the skis resting on a horizontal snow surface. The skier is modeled by a particle. The ski is assumed to be a nonhomogeneous beam. The bending deformation of the ski is taken into consideration, but the twisting deformation is neglected. Since it is very difficult to measure the coupled motion on snow, the experiment was carried out using a thick urethane sheet instead of snow. The measured force displacement relationship was used in the calculation. "Up-weighting" motion and "down-unweight-ing" motion were performed on the skis resting on the urethane sheet spread on a force plate. The motion was videotaped. Using the image, the displacement of the skier's center of gravity was measured by the image processing technique, Using the relative displacement of the skier's center of gravity from the shoe center, numerical calculations were carried out. From the comparison between numerical and experimental results. it has been concluded that one can accurately estimate the coupled motion by a numerical approach.
- 1996-03-25
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