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This paper describes an approximate structural optimization method by using the Kriging method and an optimization method using gradient components of an objective function. The Kriging method requires an assumption on semivariogram model, an approximated surface can be generated without an assumption on an order of base function for approximation. In this paper, Gauss model is assumed as a semivariogram. The proposed method consists of two main processes. 0ne is a space approximation process by the Kriging method, and another is an optimization process. In the proposed method, a gradient component on an approximated surface is obtained analytically by using an assumed semivariogram. Some numerical examples are illustrated to evaluate an applicability of the Kriging method to a structural optimization. And to illustrate effectiveness of the proposed method, two structural optimization problems are solved by using the proposed method. Numerical results show effectiveness and validity of the proposed method.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2003-05-25
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