キャスティングマニピュレーションに関する研究 : 第3報,撃力に対するひもの粘弾性解析とグリッパの空中軌道制御(機械力学,計測,自動制御)
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We have been developing a casting manipulator which includes a flexible string in the link mechanism to enlarge the work space of a manipulator. In this paper we deal with the mid-air trajectory control of the gripper after throwing it. First, we examine dynamic characteristics of a flexible string against impulse. A flexible string is modeled as a viscoelastic model. We estimate model parameters of a flexible string through free fall experiments. Then we propose the utilization of impulsive force applied to the gripper in the air through the string by restricting the motion of the string. Investigating the generation of the impulsive force through experiments, we confirm the effectiveness of the method, which is evaluated by comparing the results of numerical simulations with those of the experiments using our experimental casting manipulator hardware.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2002-01-25
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