- 論文の詳細を見る
We previously reported on the flow curve of a SUS 304 stainless steel at different, temperatures, the contributions of two phases varied with strain and temperature. Here, we measure the X-ray residual stresses of two phases. The tensile X-ray residual stress of the stronger phase increases a and then decreases with an increment of strain at 20℃, 0℃ and -50℃, and the compressive X-ray residual stress of the weaker phase increases with strain and temperature. Phase stresses are calculated from residual stresses and the volume fractions of two phases using an equation derived The tensile phase stress of the stronger phase increases to a maximum value and then decreases strain increment at those temperatures. On the other hand, the compressive phase stress of the weaker phase increases with an increment of strain. Using these phase stresses and volume fractions of the two phases, the contribution of each phase to the experimental flow curve of this steel is analysed at each temperature. The theoretical results of the above relations are derived using an on for a variable volume model of the dual phase, and experimental results are shown to be ,consistent with the theoretical relations.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1989-08-25
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