CFRPの面内破壊じん性 : 第1報,試験方法の検討
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A method for an in-plane fracture toughness test for CFRP is proposed in this paper. A new SEN tension specimen and loading grip system are developed for extremely anisotropic materials, such as CFRP. A personal computer program is developed in order to calculate the effect of anisotropy on the stress intensity factor, K, of the SEN tension specimen. The program is used to calculate K_Q from the critical load at crack propagation. An a. c. electrical potential drop measuring system with a temperature compensation circuit is developed and applied to determine the crack initiation. Carbon/epoxy[0/90]laminates are used in the in-plane fracture toughness test. A procedure for the evaluation of fracture toughness, K_C, is proposed based on the relation between K_Q and the electrical potential drop at crack propagation.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1985-11-25
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