CFRP積層板のはく離型疲労き裂伝ぱに及ぼす温度変動及び環境の影響 : 第1報, 130℃硬化型エポキシ樹脂を母材とする場合
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The delamination crack growth behavior under iso-thermal and thermo-mechanical fatigue were investigated with unidirectional CF/epoxy laminates. Tests were conducted either in air or in water with double cantilever beam specimens. The crack growth tests were conducted under constant ΔK conditions at the load ratio of 0.5 with a loading frequency of 1/180 Hz. The test temperature was between 20℃ and 70℃. In air, the effect of test temperature on the crack growth behavior was not observed in the iso-thermal fatigue tests, and the crack growth rates for the thermomechanical fatigue tests were almost identical to those for the iso-thermal fatigue tests. In water, however, the crack growth rates for the iso-thermal fatigue tests were higher for lower temperature, and the rates for the thermomechanical fatigue test were almost the same value as those for the isothermal fatigue test whose test temperature was equal to that at the maximum load for the thermomechanical fatigue test. The effect of environment was not observed for the iso-thermal fatigue test at 20℃. For the iso-thermal fatigue test at 70℃ and in-phase thermo-mechanical fatigue test, however, the crack growth rates in water were lower than those in air.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1998-03-25
- 高強度アルミニウム合金の腐食疲労における短い表面き裂の伝ぱ挙動に及ぼす応力比および溶存酸素濃度の影響
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- 一方向強化CFRP積層板の繰返し荷重下における層間はく離進展に及ぼす試験温度および荷重繰返し周波数の影響
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- 229 一方向強化CFRP積層板の繰返し荷重下における層間はく離進展に及ぼす試験温度および荷重繰返し速度の影響(FRPの疲労I)
- 109 ステンレス鋼の高温における疲労き裂伝ぱに及ぼす試験温度および試験片板厚の影響(高温疲労)
- (3)α黄銅における疲労き裂発生過程のAFMによる観察
- α黄銅における疲労き裂発生過程のAFMによる観察(材料のミクロ・メゾ評価)