- 論文の詳細を見る
Using the micromechanics-based elastoplastic analysis method that has been formulated elsewhere, stresses to be produced at the cooling stage of hot-consolidated ceramic/metal "functionally gradient material (FGM)" plates are numerically analyzed with particular reference to composition-graded, ZrO_2-Ni particulate composite laminates formed by hot-press diffusion bonding. The effect of in-plane and out-of-plane deformation constraints upon cooling is examined for plates with different patterns of compositional grading. The outermost ceramic layer suffers a very large tensile stress (far beyond its fracture-initiation level) upon cooling irrespective of the grading patterns if and only if both of these constraints are imposed. Residual thermal stress in the ceramic layer after removal of the constraints becomes tensile or compressive, depending on the grading patterns. A beneficial effect of the compressive residual stress in cyclic heat exposure of FGM plates is demonstrated.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1994-03-25
若島 健司
石塚 丈洋
若島 健司
Precision And Intelligence Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
若島 健司
石塚 丈洋
- 傾斜機能材料厚肉円筒の熱応力解析
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- 1014 Ti-Mo系形状記憶合金の機械的特性(S03-3 形状記憶合金の特性と応用技術(3),21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)
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- 2107 TiNbAl形状記憶合金の集合組織形成(S06-2 形状記憶合金の特性と応用技術(2),S06 形状記憶合金の特性と応用技術)
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- 219 磁性形状記憶合金NiMnGaとポリマーを用いた複合材料の作製と評価(OS9(3) 形状記憶合金の特性と応用)
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- 傾斜機能材料の設計
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- 840 DMA による形状記憶合金の防振特性評価
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- セラミックス-金属系傾斜機能材料平板の残留熱応力
- 757 炭素繊維強化アルミニウム (CFRAl) の弾・塑性挙動 : 直交および斜交積層材の変形異方性(複合材料, 萌芽・境界技術, 日本鉄鋼協会第 109 回(春季)講演大会)
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