境界要素法による弾性平板曲げ問題解析の高精度化 : 第1報,剛体回転条件による超特異積分の正則化
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The boundary element method (BEM) for thin elastic plate bending analysis uses two different integral equations for the displacement and the slope. It is difficult to integrate the integral equation for rotation accurately, because the equation has hyper-singularity. In the present paper, these boundary integral equations are nomalized by the superposition of the rigid rotation mode. Through some numerical results of square plates under several boundary conditions, it is shown that unknown nodal values along the boundary are more accurately obtained that those of the usual methods, and the accuracy of deflections, moments and shear forces at internal points has been clearly improved.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1993-08-25
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