漢代における災異と政治 : 宰相の災異責任を中心に
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the significance of a political practice peculiar to the Han dynasty, the dismissal of the prime minister at the outbreak of natural disasters and extraordinary phenomena. The effectiveness and influence of the Tsai-i (災異) thought (ideas concerning natural disasters) on actual politics are also examined. The Tsai-i thought is considered to have been set up to check the sovereignty of the emperor. Essentially this paper addresses itself to the following three questions : (1)Why were prime ministers dismissed when it was the emperor alone who had to bear the final responsibility for natural disasters? (2)Why were prime ministers dismissed because of natural disasters from Yuan-ti (元帝) on in the Former Han dynasty (前漢) and, in the Later Han dynasty (後漢), from An-ti (安帝) on ? (3)For what reasons was the practice discontinued by the Wei dynasty (魏)? Through the elucidation of the three points mentioned above, it is shown that such natural disaster thought, once applied to the world of actual politics, gradually became removed from its original aim and was used as a theory to justify the deposition of political opponents in the power struggles among the lieges and, finally, even to justify their moneymaking. It is concluded that the Tsai-i thought had hardly any practical effect on the checking of the sovereignty of the emperor.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 1981-08-20
- まだ見ぬ鈔本 『論語義疏』 (一)
- 漢代避諱に関する若干の問題について
- 『論語義疏』校定本及校勘記 : 皇侃自序
- 陰陽五行説とは何か (特集 陰陽五行--古代中国の世界観)
- 『史記』「将相年表」倒書考
- 旧鈔本『論語義疏』--儒蔵本『論語義疏』における校訂の問題 (漢籍受容のタイムカプセル)
- (調査報告九十四-二)翻刻『論語義疏』(大槻本) : 八[イツ]篇・里仁篇・公冶長篇
- 思孟五行説--その多様なる解釈とロウ樸説
- まだ見ぬ鈔本 『論語義疏』 (ニ)
- 漢代における災異と政治 : 宰相の災異責任を中心に
- 漢代「順気行罰」考
- 経籍訪古志を読む(第6回)論語義疏十巻--旧抄本
- (調査報告九十四-三)翻刻『論語義疏』(大槻本) - 雍也篇・述而篇 -
- (調査報告九十四)翻刻『論語義疏』(大槻本) : 学而篇・為政篇
- 翻刻『論語義疏』(大槻本)-何晏集解序疏-
- 翻刻『論語義疏』(大槻本) : 皇侃自序
- 『論語義疏』根本刊本の底本について
- まだ見ぬ鈔本『論語義疏』(3)
- 東漢災異年表
- 東漢災異年表
- 『白虎通』撰者書名攷(中) (福島邦道教授退職記念号)
- 『白虎通』撰者書名攷(上)
- 董仲舒に至る災異思想の系譜
- 新しい漢和辞典への道 (特集 漢和辞典の新展開)
- まだ見ぬ鈔本 『論語義疏』 (三)
- 董仲舒に至る災異思想の系譜
- 西漢・新災異年表
- 『論語義疏』根本刊本の底本について