- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this article is to shed some light upon the background of the ikkoikki (一向一揆) uprisings which took place in the Sengoku period. The author takes notice of one feature of the structure of the sect, in contrast to the previous research that has only observed the characteristics of the social class of its members. In the first place, the Hohganji-Shusu (本願寺宗主, chief priest of Honganji temple) could not be shusu Without the recognition of the Honganji family, its vassals, and the Monto (門徒, disciples). The author points out that this recognition prevailed among the bushi (武士, warrior) classes at that time. Secondly, the author analyzes gosho (御書) and goinsho (御印書) to show that the orders issued by shusu were accepted by the monto only after consultation among all the members. Therefore the sect was managed according to an agreement between the shusu and monto. Finally, the author points out the fact that this union of shusu and monto was closely concerned with both the doctrine preached by Honganji and the hope of monto to be born again in the pure land: thus, the mechanism of the uprising.
- 公益財団法人史学会の論文
- 1995-04-20
- 中近世日本の在来宗教とキリスト教 : 「天道」思想を中心に(報告,公開シンポジウム「信仰における他者-異宗教・異宗派の受容と排除の比較史論-」,第一〇六回史学会大会報告)
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