『宋会要』職官六四 - 七五「黜降官」について : 宋代官僚制研究のための予備的考察
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Sung Hui Yao is the encyclopedic record of the Sung administrations and contains chapters entitled "chu jiang guan (Dismissal and Demotions)". These chapters are a compilation of punishment records of Sung bureaucrats, covering a period extending from the beginning of the dynasty up to the year 1224. However, it is not obvious as to what exactly had been put on record or what criteria was used. This paper is an attempt to assess the credibility of these historical documents by clarifying the range and content. With this objective in mind the following operation was conducted; In the first part, the contents of each article are classified with examples to show that while there exist several types of formats, they all in principle contain four units of information ; [1]names and posts of the dismissed, [2]forms of punishment, [3]grounds for the punishment, [4]prosecuting bodies. Furthermore, [1]names and posts of the dismissed which constitute the main part of the records can be classified into three parts ; (a)dismissal of the present post held by the offender, (b)dismissal of the former post which had been held by the offender, (c)dismissal of the post which were to be held by the offender. The names which appear in (a)are also found in the lists of the dismissed magistrates in local gazetteers of the time. The second part finds an apparent correlation between the total number of Sung officials of the time and the frequency of the dismissal entries described in the "Dismissals and Demotions". However, the number of the dismissal entries is found to be disproportionally bigger in the mid-Southern Sung period. Against this background, the third part further looks into the names described in part (a)and the names of the dismissed magistrates referred in the local gazetteers. A contrastive analysis revealed that as a rule, the names of the posts which are of a higher level than provincial magistrates correspond with the descriptions found in the Sung local gazetteers and vice versa, regardless of the differences in region and post. As for Controller-general, mutual confirmation is possible after the Guang Zong period. The virtual agreement between the records of the central administration and that of the local gazetteers in rare and indicates that these descriptions in the "Dismissals and Demotions", at least for the period of time covered in this paper, are not biased toward the dignataries of the time, but instead were recorded in an exhaustive and objective manner. As for the Northern Sung, although there is a possibility of bias toward the officials in Kai Feng, the "Dismissals and Demotions" contains a much larger quantity of historical records when compared with other documents including Xu Zi Zhi Tong Jian Chang Pian after the Tai Zong period. The above survey endorses the objectivity and hence the validity of the "Dismissals and Demotions" as a documentation suitable for further statistical inferences, as far as the period after Xiao Zong period and the post higher than prefectural magistrates are concerned. The validity of the "Dismissals and Demotions" could complement the credibility of other chapters in Sung Hui Yao, which share the same characteristics, especially in style with studying not only the patterns commonly found in the dismissals of bureaucrats but also various aspects of the dynasty, censorates, intendants, and yamens and the regional difference in illicit conducts among magistrates.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 1993-07-20
- 火花点火における熱損失に関する研究 -レーザ点火を利用した火炎核から電極への熱損失に関する考慮-
- 火花点火過程の素反応を考慮した数値解析
- 『宋会要』職官六四 - 七五「黜降官」について : 宋代官僚制研究のための予備的考察