未来年号の世界から : 日付に矛盾のある文書よりみた荘園の様相
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Among those diplomatics during Japan's medieval period, there exist several items which have been dated with an era name before the official change to that era name, it was called mirainengo 未来年号 ; and conversely, there are those items which have been dated with an era name despite the official change to a new era. In this report, the author carries out an investigation of such items from five diplomatics related to the following proprietary estates (shoen 荘園) : Kuroda-no-sho 黒田荘 owned by the temple, Todaiji 東大寺, Yamamoto-no-sho 山本荘 owned by the Matsuo Shrine 松尾神社, Kagado-no-sho 香登荘 owned by the temple, Negoroji 根来寺, estates directly managed by the temple, Eizanji 栄山寺, Kono-makuni-no-sho 神野真国荘 owned previcusly by Jingoji 神護寺, and then Koyasan 高野山. As a result of his investigation, the author has been able to make clear the fact that these items are diplomatics which have been falsified for the purpose of deceiving their recipients out of personal interest. Therefore by means of this type of historical material textual criticism, it is hoped that researchers can use obviously falsified diplomatics (gimonjo 偽文書) to ferret out those true facts of manorial history which have heretofore escapednotice by scolars.
- 1983-08-20
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