- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper is an attempt to discuss why, in spite of the loss of her empire in 404 B.C., Athens restored radical democracy after trying to change the constitution under the "Thirty Tyrants". A clue to the solution of this problem lies in the study of the constitutional plans of two leading statesmen, Theramenes and Critias. 1)Theramenes' Plan of 404 B.C. There are indications that Aristotle distorted the facts about Theramenes and the Thirty Tyrants in his Athenaion Politeia. An examination of Aristotle's description led the author to the conclusion that this distortion occurred because Aristotle was well acquainted with the constitutional plan of Theramenes and sympathized with it. Therefore, with respect to the constitutional plan of Theramenes in 404 B.C., it is possible to give credence to Aristotle's opinion that Theramenes aimed at Patrios Politeia. It is thought that Patrios Politeia was the constitution in which active citizenship was restricted to the hoplitai and other upper classes, and in which allowances for civil servants (except the military) were abolished. On the other hand, in the thesis on the revolution of 411 B.C., Prof. De ste. Croix has argued that in the constitution of the Five Thousand of 411 B.C., only rights concerning civil servants and councilors were limited by Theramenes. On the authority of this thesis, Mr. MacCoy described Theramenes' clique as moderate democrats, and denied the existence of its program of 404 B.C. to restrict citizen participation. However, if the MacCoy thesis is considered from the reality of Theramenes' clique, this thesis cannot be supported, at least, with respect to the plan of 404 B.C., because Theramenes' clique lacked close similarity to the organization and continuity of modern political party. It is doubtful whether they had constitutional principles drawn from theories about social classes and forms of government. In 404 B.C., overcoming the loss of the empire was the first consideration. There was no need to be democrats for Theramenes and other men around him at that time. 2)The plan of Critias There was a struggle between Theramenes and Critias about some measures, for example, mass executions for and registration of citizens, enacted under the Thirty Tyrants. The author infers from the measures taken by Critias and some pieces of Critias' works that Critias aimed at a constitution modelled on that of Sparta. As the Spartan constitution was vital for Sparta in subjecting the Messenians, so was it useful for Critias' minority clique in not only gaining control over Theramenes' majority but also in obtaining aid from Sparta. As a result of this plan, Critias brought about a serious split among the Athenians when he dared to carry out his severe policy. 3)Recovery of radical democracy Athenians were forced to experience a serious internal division in the course of their efforts to cope with the loss of their empire by changing their constitution. The most important task for the Athenian statesmen after such serious internal division being the restoration of concordance among the Athenian citizens, the issue of changing the constitution had to be left unsettled for a while. Therefore, radical democracy was restored in 403 B.C., not because it was the best alternative for Athens in attempting to adjust to the loss of her empire, but because the Athenians, for the purpose of internal order, could no longer afford to change their constitution at all. Behind Aristotle's overevaluation of Theramenes, there lies the figure of 4th century Athens in the throes of such grave problems.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 1980-06-20
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