- 論文の詳細を見る
The Yung chia (永嘉) schoool of the Southern Sung, especially Yeh Shih, had a strong infiuence on the contemporary shih-ta-fu (士大夫). Whereas Chu-tzu's (朱子) practical studies were mainly concerned with the problems in local village communities such as the She-ts'ang (社倉), Hsieng-yueh (郷約) and relief measures, statecraft and political issues within the Southern Sung regime figured strongly in Yeh Shih's practical studies. Moreover, his writings were published from private publishers in the Lun-ts'e (論策) style of the K'o-chu (科挙), thus fulfilling the needs of civil servants and candidates for recruitment examinations both in content and form. Yeh Shih, who advocated Ching-chih Shih-kung (経制事功), discussed various subjects ranging from administration to foreign relations in his collected writings, Ching-shih-lun (経世論). His writings aimed at the Restorstion of the north. Subsequently, he has been known as one of the most famous advocates of confrontation with the Chin (金). However, his view contrasts with that of others', because he understands the Hua-i concept in a different way than the traditional interpretation. Yeh Shih criticized many other advocators of war, because he thought that their opinions were based on the Hua-i concept found in the Ch'un-ch'iu (春秋), and that they ignored the actual conditions of the time. His principle of foreign policy was embodied in the words i (義), ming (名) and ch'uan (権), which seem to indicate self-determination of each ethnic group of the time. This concept of self-determination grew up since the Western Impact in the late 19th century, and therefore, it shows that his thought was quite new to his contemporaries. Nevertheless, he held essentially the traditional kind of Hua-i concept. In order to bridge the gap between the traditional concept and the reality of the time, he positively evaluated certain historical events since the Ch'in (秦) and Han (漢) Dynasties, thus trying to rationalize his position. Despite his efforts, he could never overcome the contradiction of his position nor produce a coordinate description. He criticized Ch'un-ch'iu and Ch'eng hsueh scholars (程学者) who advocated war and his criticism of Tao-hsueh (道学) was also based on similar reasons. At any rate, Yeh Shih is considered quite unique in the history of the Southern Sung for adding realism to the traditional stance.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 1979-06-20
- サバティカル報告--「唐宋変革」論の現在 (彙報 早稲田大学東洋史懇話会事歴 第三三回大会 平成二〇年三月二九日)
- 南宋の端宗と帝〔ヘイ〕--誰が南宋のラストエンペラーか (特集 中国ラストエンペラー列伝--王朝を潰した皇帝たち)
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- 黄震墓誌と王應麟墓道の語ること--宋元交代期の慶元士人社会 (特集 フィールド歴史学)
- 「フィールド歴史学」の提案 (特集 フィールド歴史学)
- 書評 梅原郁著『宋代司法制度研究』
- 書評 清木場東著『北宋の商業活動』
- 企画趣旨 (シンポジウム 科挙からみた東アジア--科挙社会と科挙文化)
- 寺地 遵著 『南宋初期政治史研究』
- 東アジア : 中国 : 五代・宋・元(一九八三年の歴史学界 : 回顧と展望)
- 宋代永嘉学派葉適の華夷観
- 東アジア : 中国 : 五代・宋・元(一九七六年の歴史学界 : 回顧と展望)
- コメント(報告,平成一七年度早稲田大学史学会大会報告)
- 南宋四川の類省試からみた地域の問題
- 原風景はどこに(公開シンポジウム : 平成一五年度早稲田大学史学会)
- 中国史学事始(第一回)(早稲田大学史学会・連続講演会)
- 批評・紹介 John W. Chaffee Branches of Heaven: A History of the Imperial Clan of Sung China
- 東坡「黄州寒食詩巻」と宋代士大夫
- 西園雅集考 : 宋代文人伝説の誕生(続)
- 西園雅集孝 : 宋代文人伝説の誕生
- 蔡京の科舉・学校政策
- 張方平「文安先生墓表」と弁姦論
- 東坡応挙考
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- 南宋初期の王安石評価について (政治と思想)
- 文人官僚蘇軾の対高麗政策
- 蘇東坡と王安石--「新法」をめぐる角逐 (特集 蘇東坡--宋代が生んだマルチ文人)
- 王安石撰墓誌を読む--地域,人脈,党争
- 宋初の国子監・太学について
- 南宋「銭簿残欠」考 (早稲田大学創立百周年記念)
- 南宋屯軍文書考
- 宋代永嘉学派の理財論--葉適を中心として
- 日本大徳寺伝来五百羅漢図銘文と南宋明州士人社会
- 横山英・寺地遵編『中国社会史の諸相』(勁草書房)1988年3月刊, 四六判, 272頁, 3200円
- 宋代科挙社会の形成 (彙報 平成13年度春期東洋学講座講演要旨)
- 蔡京の科舉・學校政策