日本古代喪葬儀礼の特質 : 喪葬令からみた天皇と氏
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Many studies have come out about funeral rites in ancient Japan lately, but few of them analyze the S^^Os^^o-ry^^o喪葬令, a chapter of the ritsu-ry^^o 律令 statutes that establishes funeral rites of the noblity. This paper analyzes the S^^Os^^o-ry^^o in comparison with classic Chinese books of rites -Girai 儀礼 etc.-and the equivalent statutes of the Tang period. It also explains the meaning of these rites from the stand point of the relationship between the Emperor and uji 氏 clans of ancient Japan. Under the statutes, aristocrats (ky^^okan 京官)were required to inform the Emperor of any deaths of kin, and the Emperor would send a messenger of condolence. Those who had to obey these duties were restricted within narrower limits than in China. Therefore, in Japan these rites aim to confirm the personal relationship between Emperor and ky^^okan, who were usually the uji leaders. The Japanese statutes provided public officials with much more tools and laborers for funeral rites than in Tang China, and in Japan, those public officials allowed such tools and labor were less limited in number than in China. While it was necessary for Japan to introduce and establish new rites from China, it was also necessary to open up these rites which had been performed only by uji members to the public. Whenever an aristocrat died, the Emperor would promised that he would support the deceased's successor in the uji. This is a practice exclusive to japan, by which relationships prior to the statutes between the Emperor and uji continued. These points clearly indicate that such unofficial and traditional relationships were the basis of the ritsury^^o system in ancient Japan.
- 財団法人史学会の論文
- 2000-09-20
財団法人史学会 | 論文
- 高木昭作著『日本近世国家史の研究』, 岩波書店, 一九九〇・七刊, A5, 四一六頁, 四九〇〇円
- 北島万次著『朝鮮日々記・高麗日記-秀吉の朝鮮侵略とその歴史的告発-』
- 脇田修著『近世封建制成立史論-織豊政権の分析 II-』
- イギリス名誉革命体制化における中央と地方 : 「貧民の状態改善協会」の活動一七九六-一八一七年(研究発表)(西洋史部会)
- ジョン・ブリュア著/大久保桂子訳, 『財政=軍事国家の衝撃-戦争・カネ・イギリス国家一六八八-一七八三-』, 名古屋大学出版会, 二〇〇三・七刊, A5, 三一四頁, 四八〇〇円