Deformations and Stresses in a Hollow Sphere with Spherical Transversal Isotropy under Impulsive Pressure
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The Problem concerning an anisotropic hollow sphere subjected to impulsive pressure is analyzed based on the dynamic theory of elasticity. Applying Duhamel's integral to the results obtained for the pressure with step distribution in time, which are valid to predict the impact stresses on the conservative side in design of any structure or machine, the results for arbitrary impulsive pressure may be derived. The dynamic factor consisting in the concept of the factor of safety proposed by Cardullo is investigated theoretically based on the results obtained above. By using the approximate formula derived in this study, the effects of the anisotropy of the material and the thickness of the wall on the dynamic factor may be evaluated qualitatively. The result for the isotropic material is involved in the present results for a special case of elastic constants.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
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