Impact Stress Analysis of a Semi-Infinite Plate by the Finite Difference Method
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The stability criterion is clarified for the finite difference equation on a two-dimensional elasto-dynamic problem. Under its criterion, the authors analyze impact stresses in a semi-infinite plate subjected to pressure impulse on a part of the boundary. On the boundary, the tangential stress is compared with the exact one obtained by the Laplace transformation. The accuracy of the finite difference solution for the ramped pressure impulse becomes extremely better than that for the step one. Illustrative numerical results are given for some points in the plate.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Shibuya T
Department Of Mechanical And Intelligent Systems Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Shibuya Toshikazu
Faculty Of Engineering Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Mitsui Ship-Build. Co.
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