垂直伝熱面による層流自由対流熱伝達 : 物性値が温度によって変化する場合および伝熱面温度が高さ方向に変化する場合
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It was studied that physical constants for what temperature should be taken in arranging the experimental data on heat-transfer coefficients. From the numerical calculations made on water and ethylene-glycol, were given the following conclusions. Prandtl number, kinematic viscosity and thermal conductivity ;(the surface temperature)-1/4 (temperature difference between the surface and the fluid). Coefficient of cubical expansion ; the mean coefficient of cubical expansion to be made up to the arithmetic mean of the surface temperature and the fluid temperature with the fluid temperature as basis. For the second problem we derived from the momentum and energy equations an ordinary differential equation, which would give a solution for any Prandtl number and an arbitrary temperature difference distribution. The equation is soluble elementarily in the case where P_r→∞. From the several examples of numerical calculations were derived the following conclusions.(1) There is no effect of P_r upon the correlation between surface temperature distribution and distribution of heat transferred.(2) When the temperature at an approximately half height is taken as a typical temperature, the total heat transferred is generally equal to the value in the case of uniform surface temperature.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1958-12-25
- 誌上討論 : 鉛直円柱からの自然対流熱伝達 砂盃裕司, 末次賢司, 服部直三, 本誌, 第 67 巻, 653 号, 2001-1, 300-303 ページ掲載
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- 垂直伝熱面による層流自由対流熱伝達 : 物性値が温度によって変化する場合および伝熱面温度が高さ方向に変化する場合
- 垂直伝熱面による層流自由対流熱伝達の数学的取扱いに関する考察
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