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Laminar free-convection heat-transfer was treated here theoretically for the simplest case where it was assumed that with respect to a flat surface in infinite extended fluid, the surface and the fluid temperatures were uniform and its physical constants as well did not vary due to temperature. For the first was found the basis of the Pohihausen's transformation, then a similar transformation was introduced to the momentum-and energy-equation to solve them approximately, and was found a solution with arbitrary velocity-and temperature-profiles of the boundary layer. In acordance with this result, the approximate solutions of Squire, Yamagata and Sugawara-Michiyoshi were compared with each and with the Ostrach's exact solutions. Two approximate solutions are presented in this paper where approximate velocity- and temperature-profiles of the boundary layer are represented by the following equations respectively ; [table] where s is a function of the Prandtl number P_r. The solution (1) for about P_r<0.1 and the solution (2) for all P_r values give closer solutions than any conventional approximate solutions as to velocity profile, temperature profile and heat-transfer coefficient.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1958-12-25
- 誌上討論 : 鉛直円柱からの自然対流熱伝達 砂盃裕司, 末次賢司, 服部直三, 本誌, 第 67 巻, 653 号, 2001-1, 300-303 ページ掲載
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