情動のうごきとホルモンの変動 : 情動の精神生理 : 第7回日本精神身体医学会総会より
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Relationship between endocrine functions and emotional states in human subjects has been investigated in terms of such hormonal glands as the adrenal cortex, thyroid, neurohypophysis. and male and female gonads・Mode of experiment was. in most cases, longitudinal, i. e., serial measurement of test samples from the same subjects under clinical observation for the' periods ranging from one to six months. The results are the following. Adrenocortical activity usually indicates a marked: increase, as demonstrated by changes in the estimated values of circulating eosinophile count, uropepsin, fractionated urinary 17-KS, and urinary and plasma. 17-HCS, in such negative emotional states as anxiety, agitation and depression. Diurnal rhythm of plasma 17-0HCS is also disturbed frequently. Thyroid function is significantly, but much less markedly than adrenocortical function, enhanced on such e,notional derangements as mentioned above. The antidiuretic hormone of the posterior pituitary gland responds by a sharp and transient increase. Secretions of gonadal hormones……gonadotropin (male) and gonadotropin estrogen and pregnanediol (female)……are often; suppressed to such a considerable degree that amenorrhea or non-ovulatory menstruation may result occasionally, while temporary increase of these hormones, were observed at times in the cases with acute emotional outburst. On the other hand, the same endocrinologic investigation into the patients with advanced, deteriorated schizophrenia demonstrated not infrequently some. endocrine abnormalities, which do not correspond to the emotional conditions of those patients and rather suggest a kind of disturbed functioning of the preservation of hormonal balance supposedly located in the hypothalamus and the limbic system. Two hypotheses. were presented and discussed in this connection.
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- 情動のうごきとホルモンの変動 : 情動の精神生理 : 第7回日本精神身体医学会総会より
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