Characterization of human cells immortalized by the hTERT gene.
江島 洋介
Dept. Radiat. Biophys. &Genet. , Kobe Univ. Sch. Med.
EJIMA Yosuke
Hiroshima Prefectural College of Health Science
Noda Asao
Dept. Genet. Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Noda Asao
Dept. Rad. Biopys. Genet. Sch. Med. Kobe Univ.
Ejima Yosuke
Hiroshima Pref. Coll. Health Sci.
Ishizaki Kanji
Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute
Ishizaki Kanji
Aichi Cancer Center
Ishizaki Kanji
Aichi Cancer Center Res. Inst.
Aichi Cancer cent. Res. Inst
Kiyono Tohru
Aichi Cancer Center Res. Inst.
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