Spontaneous Mutation and Tumorigenesis in Mice with Targeted Disruption of MSH2 gene
Institute of Experimental Radiology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University
Kura Shinobu
九州大学 医研究院 臨床腫瘍外科
Kura Shinobu
Kyushu University.
Kura Shinobu
Kyushu Univ. School Of Med. Department Of Experimental Radiology
Kura Shinobu
Institute Of Experimental Radiology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences
Egashira Akinori
Univ. of Occupational and Enviromental Health
NORIMURA Toshiyuki
Univ. of Occupational and Enviromental Health
Maki Hisaji
Nara Inst. Of Sci. And Technol.
Kyushu Univ.
lnst. of Med. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo
TSUZUKI Teruhisa
Kyushu Univ.
Department of Radiation Biology and Health, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
Norimura T
Department Of Radiation Biology And Health School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environ
Ootsuyama Akira
Department Of Radiation Biology And Health University Of Occupational And Environmental Health
Ootsuyama Akira
Univ. Env. Occupat. Health.
Norimura Toshiyuki
Univ. Of Occup &environm. Health Japan.
Norimura Toshiyuki
Dept Radiation Biology &health
Norimura Toshiyuki
Univ. Of Occupational &environmental Health
Ootsuyama Akira
Dep. Of Radiation Biology &health Univ. Of Occupational &environmental Health
KURA Shinobu
Kyushu Univ. , school of Med. Department of Experimental Radiology
- 老化のトピックス--テロメア、ミトコンドリア、p53
- A Nitroimidazole Derivative, PR-350, Enhances the Killing of Pancreatic Cancer Cells Exposed to High-dose Irradiation under Hypoxia
- 14.某企業における被ばく医療体制の構築(第21回産業医科大学学会総会学術講演)
- 32.放射線被曝による遅延型突然変異におけるp53遺伝子の解析(第25回産業医科大学学会総会 学術講演会記録)
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- P110 EL4細胞における放射線照射後のTCR遺伝子突然変異頻度
- 12 トリチウムでの内部被ばくによるT細胞受容体(TCR)の突然変異誘発におけるp53の役割(第24回産業医科大学学会総会 学術講演会記録)
- P-66 p53遺伝子欠損マウスの末梢赤血球で放射線によって誘発された小枝の本性(予報)(ポスター(2))
- 61.ヘパリン結合性EGF様増殖因子の種々ストレスによる活性化(第21回産業医科大学学会総会学術講演)
- 13.マウス胎仔主要器官形成期における放射線誘発突然変異の解析
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- 低線量率放射線被曝経験による放射線影響発現の抑制(2)
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- ^I用シンチレーションサーベイメータに対する漏洩磁場の影響
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- p53-dependent apoptosis for defense against radiation-induced teratogenesis
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- Spontaneous Mutation and Tumorigenesis in Mice with Targeted Disruption of MSH2 gene
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- 134 Analysis of Radiation-induced Mutations on Organogenesis in HITEC Mouse(Effects of radiation exposures, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
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- Analysis of Radiation-induced Mutations in Mice Organogenesis
- Effect of PMSF on Hyperthermic Cell Killing
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- Study of Radiation Induced Mutation Using Transgenic mice
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