Effect of Heavy Ion Exposure on Cell Cycle Checkpoints.
Kanai Tatsuaki
KANAI Tatsuaki
Div. Accelerator Phys. Eng.
KASAI Kiyomi
Natl. Inst. Rad. Sci.
Eguchi-kasai Kiyomi
Res. Center For Radiation Protection National Inst. Of Radiological Sciences
Eguchi-kasai Kiyomi
Radiation Effect Mechanisms Research Group Research Center For Radiation Protection National Institu
Eguchi-kasai Kiyomi
Div. Rad. Haz. Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Div. Radiobiol. Biodosim., Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Div. Radiobiol. Biodosim., Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Itsukaichi Hiromi
Murakami Masahiro
Itsukaichi Hiromi
Div. Radiat. Biol. &biodosimet. Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Kanai Tatsuaki
Div. Acce. Res. Natl. Inst. Radiol Sci.
Murakami Masahiro
Div. Radiobiol. Biodosim
Murakami Masahiro
Div. Rad. Haz. Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Div. Radiat. Biol. &Biodosimet. , Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
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- Evaluation of Late Radiation Damage of Normal Tissues in Mouse Hind Legs after Irradiation with Carbon Beams
- RBE and Dose Distribution of Heavy Ion Beams.
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- Heavy ion radiography
- Initial Symptoms of Acute Radiation Syndrome in the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura
- Treatment of Patients who were Severely Exposed to Neutron and Gamma Radiation in the Recent Criticality Accident in Tokaimura
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- The uniformity of the biological dose accelerated carbon ion beams with the spread out Bragg peak.
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- Effect of Heavy Ion Exposure on Cell Cycle Checkpoints.
- The isoeffect dose of carbon ions depends on LET and fractionation
- Reoxygenation of artificially hypoxic tumors
- Clinical Results of Carbon Ion Radiotherapy at NIRS
- Effect of Heavy Ion Exposure on Cell Cycle Checkpoints.
- DNA strand breaks induced by heavy ions near the Bragg peak.
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- 87 Analysis of XRCC4 in human somatic cells by gene targeting technique(Repair of radiation damage, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
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- Irradiation System for HIMAC
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