Cross talk of p53 signal pathway by low dose radiation and artificial gravity
Ohnishi Ken
Department Of Biology Nara Medical University
Morita Naoko
Radiat. Biophysics Radiat. Effect Res. Atomic Bomb Dis. Inst. Sch. Med. Nagasaki Univ.
Okaichi Kumio
Department Of Radiation Biophysics Atomic Bomb Disease Institute Nagasaki University Graduate School
Okaichi K
Nagasaki Univ. Graduate School Of Biomedical Sci. Nagasaki Jpn
Okaichi Kumio
Department Of Radiation Biophysics Radiation Effect Research Unit Atomic Bomb Disease Institute Naga
Radiat. Biophysics. , Nagasaki Univ.
Biol. Nara Med. Univ.
Okaichi Kumio
長崎大学医学部附属原爆後障害医療研究施設 腫瘍・診断病理学
Okumura Y
Department Of Radiation Biophysics Radiation Effect Research Unit Atomic Bomb Disease Institute Naga
Okumura Yutaka
Radiation Biophysics Atomic Bomb Sisease Inst. Nagasaki Univ.
Ohnishi Takeo
Nara Medical University
- The Foci of DNA Double Strand Break-recognition Proteins Localize with γH2AX after Heat Treatment
- ATM is the Predominant Kinase Involved in the Phosphorylation of Histone H2AX after Heating
- DNA Damage Recognition Proteins Localize along Heavy Ion Induced Tracks in the Cell Nucleus
- LOH Analyses for Biological Effects of Space Radiation : Human Cell Culture in "Kibo" of International Space Station
- Impact of the p53 Status of the Tumor Cells on the Effect of Reactor Neutron Beam Irradiation, with Emphasis on the Response of Intratumor Quiescent Cells
- Effects of p53 Status on Radiosensitivity and the Size of Hypoxic Fraction of Intratumor Total and QuiescentCell Populations
- High LET Heavy Ion Radiation Induces p53-Independent Apoptosis
- High LET radiation enhances apoptosis in mutated p53 cancer cells through Caspase-9 activation
- The Biology of Heat-induced DNA Double-Strand Breaks
- Time Course and Spacial Distribution of UV Effects on Human Skin in Organ Culture
- Development of thermotolerance requires interaction between polymerase-β and heat shock proteins
- The First Life Science Experiments in ISS : Reports of "Rad Gene"-Space Radiation Effects on Human Cultured Cells-
- Recent Advances in the Biology of Heavy-Ion Cancer Therapy
- ATM is the Predominant Kinase Involved in the Phosphorylation of Histone H2AX after Heating
- Usefulness of Hexamethylenetetramine as an Adjuvant to Radiation and Cisplatin in the Treatment of Solid Tumors : its Independency of p53 Status
- 9 Modulation of nitric oxide-mediated bystander effects by chronic irradiation with gamma-rays(Low dose and low dose-rate effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Modulation of NO-Mediated Bystander Effect by Pre-Gamma-Ray Irradiation with Low-Dose Rate
- Increase of wtp53 pool size in specific organs of mice by low doses of X-ray.
- Inhibition in a microgravity environment of the recovery of Escherichia coli cells damaged by heavy ion beams during the NASDA ISS Phase I Program of NASA Shuttle/Mir Mission No. 6
- 84 Effects of Mild Temperature Hyperthermia and p53 Status of Tumor Cells on the Size of Hypoxic Cell Fractions in Solid Tumors(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Effects of p53 Status and Wortmannin Treatment on Potentially Lethal Damage Repair, with Emphasis on the Response of Intratumor Quiescent Cells
- Usefulness of combined treatment with mild temperature hyperthermia and/or tirapazamine in the treatment of solid tumors : its independence of p53 status
- Norepinephrine Enhances Radiosensitivity in Rat Ileal Epithelial Cells
- コンピュータによるイメージ加工と温熱誘導γH2AXフォーカスの解析
- Sensitivity to Ionizing Radiation in Saos-2 Cells Transfected with Mutant p53 Genes Depends on the Mutation Position
- Mutation-points of p53 affect the sensitivity of the cell to anticancer drugs.
- The sensitivity to ionizing radiation and radiation-induced apoptosis in Saos-2 cells transfected by four mutants and wild typc p53.
- How will a mutation of p53 affect the sensitivity of the cell to ionizing radiation.
- Cell growth and morphology of Dictyostelium discoideum in space environment
- Cell growth and morphology of Dictyostelium discoideum in space environment
- Restraint Plus Water-immersion Stress (RWIS)-induced Stomach Ulcers in Mice are Depressed by a Conditioning Heat Treatment
- Expression of p53-Regulated Genes in Cultured Mammalian Cells After Exposure to A Space Environment
- A quantitative study of the optic nerve in diabetic mutant, Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats
- Radiosensitivity and Radioadaptive Response Induced by Pre-irradiation with a Low Dose in Rolling MouseNagoya
- Protection by Polaprezinc Against Radiation-Induced Apoptosis in Rat Jejunal Crypt Cells
- Sucralfate Protects Intestinal Epithelial Cells from Radiation-Induced Apoptosis in Rats
- The Protective Effect of Fermented Milk Kefir on Radiation-induced Apoptosis in Colonic Crypt Cells of Rats
- The protective effect of a fermented milk Kefir to radiation-induced apoptosis in rat colon
- Enhancement of radio-sensitivity by NaCl in human cancer cells transfected with mutant p53 gene
- The suppression effect of sucralfate and soduim butyrate on radiation-induced apoptosis
- Heat sensitivity of DNA-dependent protein kinase activity
- The Role of the Sympathetic Nervous System in Radiation-induced Apoptosis in Jejunal Crypt Cells of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- Acute Irradiation Injury and Autonomic Nervous System
- The effect of clinorotation on vestibular compensation in upside-down swimming catfish
- Enhancement of Radiation Sensitivity by Glycerol in Human Cultured Anaplastic Thyroid Carcinoma
- Vanguards of Paradigm Shift in Radiation Biology: Radiation-Induced Adaptive and Bystander Responses
- Radiation-Induced Adaptive Responses and Bystander Effects
- 248 Enhancement of radio-/heat-sensitivity by an inhibitor, LY294002, for PI3K(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 165 Dose selenomethionine have radio-protective effect on cell lines with wild type p53?(Radio-protection and sensitization, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- DNA Damage Formation and p53 Accumulation in Mammalian Cells Exposed to the Space Environment
- Development of Malignant Tumors following Irradiation for Preexisting Tumors:Study Based on Autopsy Cases of Double Cancer
- The phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, inhibited by low dose of wortmannin, affects radiation sensitivity
- RBE for scid cells irradiated with high LET radiations
- Enhancement of radiation or heat sensitivity by wortmannin
- A mutant human p53, 123A, which led to apoptosis but not Waf-1 in response to ionizing radiation in a human osteosarcoma cell line, Saos-2
- Different inducibility of radiation- or heat-induced p53-dependent apoptosis after acute or chronic irradiation in human squamous cell carcinoma cells
- Glycerol-induced restoration of mutant p53 to normal p53 activity after radiation/heat treatment
- Enhancement of radio-sensitivity by glycerol that restores mutant p53 to wild type-p53 function
- Hypergravity Induces Phosphorylation of p53 at Serine 15, but not an Expression of p53-downstream Genes
- 128 Analysis of gene expression induced by hypergravity using DNA chip(Effects of space radiation, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Accumulation and phosphorylation of p53 by hypergravity
- Hypergravity Modifies the Signal Transduction of Ionizing Radiation through p53
- Cross talk of p53 signal pathway by low dose radiation and artificial gravity
- Phosphorylation of p53 by low dose X-ray irradiation
- Recovery of heat inactivated DNA-PK activity and HSC73
- Recovery of heat inactivated DNA-PK activity and repair of DNA double strand break
- The Defective Color Vision in Juvenile Goldfish Does Not Depend on Used Training Task as the Measure of Discrimination : A Two-choice Response Measure
- The Biological Effects of Space Radiation during Long Stays in Space
- High transmittance of X-rays in the utricular otolith of upside-down swimming catfish, Synodontis nigriventris
- Proposed Tertiary Olfactory Pathways in a Teleost, Carassius auratus : Physiology
- Light-, Sound-, and Ultrasound-Induced Cercal Movements in Flying Crickets
- Sensitivity of Heavy-Ion Beam in Scid Mouse Lung Fibroblast Cells.
- Thermosensitivity and DNA-PK activity of scid cells and hybrid scid cells containing human chromosome 8
- Mutation Frequency of Plasmid DNA and Escherichia coli Following Long-term Space Flight on Mir
- The Role of p53 Molecule in Radiation and Hyperthermic Therapies
- Analysis of Apoptosis-related Gene Expression after X-ray Irradiation in Human Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells Harboring Wild-type or Mutated p53 Gene
- Confirmation of p53-dependent radio-sensitivity and restoration of radiation-induced p53-dependent apoptosis by glycerol
- Analysis of Apoptosis-related Gene Expression after Irradiation with Different Dose-rate in Human Lymphoblastoid Cells TK-6.
- DNA Array Analysis of Radiation-induced Gene Expression about Apoptosis-related Genes
- 83 Effects of DNA-PKcs-targeted siRNA on radio/heat sensitivity in human cancer cells(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- P53-independent enhancement of heat-sensitivity by a surface-active agent, Tween 80, in human cancer cells
- Detection of DNA Damage Induced by Space Radiation in Mir and Space Shuttle
- Mutation frequency of Dictyostelium discoideum sporcs exposed to the spase environment
- S-4-1 Breakthrough for radio-cancer therapy based on the knowledge of radiation biology(Aiming Further Development of Radiotherapy, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- S-3-3 Reduction of radiation-induced apoptosis by pre-irradiation at a low dose or a low dose-rate(Biological Effects of Low Dose and Low Dose-rate Irradiations, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Effect of p53 piont mutation in interaction of radiation or hyperthermia and SN-38, an active metabolite of DNA Topoisomerase I inhibitor, CPT-11, in human glioblastoma cell line
- Depression of Pre-irradiation with a Low Dose-rate on Radiation-induced Mutation
- Norepinephrine Enhances Radiosensitivity in Rat Ileal Epithelial Cells
- DNA ligase IV is a potential molecular target in ACNU sensitivity
- Thermosensitivity and Thermotolerance of Scid Mouse Lung Fibroblast Cells.
- Effect of Low Dose Irradiation on the ConA Response of Mouse Splenic Lymphocytes (II)
- Effects of Repeated Irradiation on a Biological Response with High Sensitivity to Exposure (IV)
- Studies on the Molecular Mechanism of Acquired Radio-restance by Small Dose Pre-irradiation in Mice
- Radioadaptive response in scid mice
- Pre-irradiation with a Low-dose-rate Enhanced DNA-PK Activity and Then Depressed Radiation-inducedApoptosis
- Nitric Oxide Radical-induced Radioadaptation and Radiosensitization Are G_2/M Phase-dependent
- Studies about Space Radiation Promote New Fields in Radiation Biology
- The role of tumor suppressor p53 protein on cellular stress response
- Fundamental Studies on Radiation and Hyperthermia Therapies Combined with Gene or Chemical ChaperoneTherapy
- Biological Effects of Space Radiation