Lethal and Teratogenic Effects of Radiation on Mouse Embryos in Pre-Implantation Stage.
Aoki Yoshiro
Depallment Of Radiological Health Faculty Of Medicine Univ. Of Tokyo
Aoki Yoshiro
Dep. Radiol. Health Fac. Med. Univ. Tokyo
Dep. Radiol. Health, Fac. Med. , Univ. Tokyo
Yeun Hwa
Dep. Rad. Heallh Fac. Med. Univ. Tokyo
Kai Michiaki
Depallment Of Radiological Health Faculty Of Medicine Univ. Of Tokyo
Kusama Tomoko
Depallment Of Radiological Health Faculty Of Medicine Univ. Of Tokyo
Kusama Tomoko
Dep. Radiol. Health Fac. Med. Univ. Tokyo
KAI Michiaki
Dep. Rad. HealLh, Fac. Med. Univ. Tokyo
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- Lethal and Teratogenic Effects of Radiation on Mouse Embryos in Pre-Implantation Stage.
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- Variation of the Yield of Strand Breaks in Plasmid DNA Induced by ^Co Gamma Ray with Temperature and Scavenger Concentration.