Enhancement of cell killing by split exposure of hlgh LET heavy ion beams.
Shimizu Kazunori
Hospital Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Ikeda Hiroshi
Department Of Radiation Oncology National Cancer Center Hospital East
KANAI Tatsuaki
Div. Accelerator Phys. Eng.
Div. Accelerator Phys. Eng.
Eguchi‐kasai K
National Inst. Radiological Sci. Chiba Jpn
Eguchi Kasai
Research Center For Radiation Protection National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Eguchi-kasai Kiyomi
Div. Rad. Haz. Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Shibuya K
Kyoto Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto Jpn
Murakami Masahiro
Radiation Hazards Research Groupe Natl. Inst. Radiat Sci.
Div. Radiobiol. Biodosim., Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Div. Radiobiol. Biodosim., Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Sato Koki
Div. radiobiol. Biodosimetry.
Division of Radiation Hazards
Division of Radiation Hazards
Div. Radiat. Hazards,Natl. Inst. Radiol.
SHIMIZU Kazunori
Hosprtal, Natl. Inst. Radiol.
Kanai T
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Fukutsu Kumiko
Div. Radiotoxico. Protect
Itsukaichi Hiromi
Radiation Hazards Research Groupe Natl. Inst. Radiat Sci.
Kojima Shuji
Department Of Radiation Biosciences Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokyo University Of Science (
Koike Sachiko
Heavy-ion Radiobiology Research Group Research Center For Charged Particle Therapy National Institut
Itsukaichi Hiromi
Div. Radiat. Biol. &biodosimet. Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Mutoh Masahiro
Division Of Physiology And Pathology
Kanai Tatsuaki
Div. Acce. Res. Natl. Inst. Radiol Sci.
Murakami Masahiro
Div. Radiobiol. Biodosim
Murakami Masahiro
Radiation Hazards Research Group Nirs
Murakami Masahiro
Div. Rad. Haz. Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Div. Radiat. Biol. &Biodosimet. , Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
- Two Major Factors Involved in the Reverse Dose-rate Effect for Somatic Mutation Induction are the Cell Cycle Position and LET Value
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- Reversed dose-rate effect of high LET radiation in mutation induction
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- Proton dosimetry intercomparison based on the ICRU protocol
- Irradiation system and physical measurements for heavy-ion radiotherapy.
- Development of a Radio-sensitive Mutation System for the Study of Dose Rate Effects of Space High LET Radiation
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- RBE and Dose Distribution of Heavy Ion Beams.
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- Analysis of Mutations in the Human HPRT Gene Induced by Heavy-ion Irradiation II
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- Biological data for heavy-ion radiation therapy
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- Dosimetry for heavy-ion radiation fields of argon, iron and kripton beams.
- Effect of Heavy Ion Exposure on Cell Cycle Progression.
- Effect of Exposure of Heavy Ion Beams on G2 Arrest.
- Effect of exposure of carbon ion beams on cell cycle progression
- T cell lymphoma cells derived from SCID mouse are sensitive to X-ray Irradiation and beta-rays from ^C In DNA.
- Enhancement of cell killing by split exposure of hlgh LET heavy ion beams.
- LET, cell cycle dependence for mutation induction and spectrum in HPRT locus
- Cell Cycle and LET Dependence for Radiation-induced Mutation : A Possible Mechanism for Reversed Dose-rate Effect
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- New Accelerator Facility for Carbon-Ion Cancer-Therapy
- Mutation induction on normal human cells by split dose irradiation with carbon-ion beams
- Cell death on human cells by split dose irradiation with carbonion beams.
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- Effect of Heavy Ion Exposure on Cell Cycle Checkpoints.
- The isoeffect dose of carbon ions depends on LET and fractionation
- Reoxygenation of artificially hypoxic tumors
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- Effect of Heavy Ion Exposure on Cell Cycle Checkpoints.
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- Analysis of the p53 Gene Mutation in the Rat Lung Carcinomas Induced by Inhalation Exposures of Plutonium Dioxide Aerosols.
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- Identification of the mutated gene in the ionizing radiation sensitive mutant M10 of mouse L5178Y cells
- Visualization of DNA repair protein-DNA interaction by Atomic Force Microscope
- Structural Analysis of Irradiated Plasmid DNA by Atomic Force Microscope
- Cell Kills and change of DNA Distribution of Human Tumor Cells by Fractionated Daily Irradiation in vitro.
- Cell cycle and LET dependence for 6-thioguanine-resistant mutation induced by heavy ion beam in mouse L5178Y cells
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- 61 Visualization and Structural Analysis of Ring Chromosomes by Atomic Force Microscope(Chromosome aberrations, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)