Micronuclei Induced by Low Dose Rate Irradiation in Early Spermatids of p53 Null and Wild Mice
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To obtain evidence of the dose-rate effect on induction of micronuclei in early spermatids, we observed frequencies in wild-type p53(+/+), heterozygous p53(+/-) and null p53(-/-) mice 14 days after gamma rays irradiation at a high (1,020 mGy/min) or a low (1.2 mGy/min) dose-rate. A dose- and dose-rate-related increase in micronuclei was seen in early spermatids with no difference between the different p53 status. These data were found to be best fitted by a linear-quadratic dose-response model at a high dose-rate, and by a linear dose-response model at a low dose-rate. The yields at 1.2 mGy/min were significantly lower than those at 1,020 mGy/min in the same manner, independent of p53 status. Testis weight declined significantly after 3 Gy irradiation, but did not depend on dose-rates. In our other studies, we observed the complete elimination both of malformation in fetuses and CD3-4+ mutant T-lymphocytes in p53(+/+) mice, but not in p53(-/-) mice after irradiation. This indicates that concerted DNA repair and p53-dependent apoptosis are likely to completely eliminate mutagenic damage from the irradiated tissues at low doses or dose-rates in teratogenesis and lymphocytes. In the germ cell, however, irradiation at 1.2 mGy/min was mutagenic, independent of p53 status.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
法村 俊之
Norimura Toshiyuki
Department Of Radiation Biology And Health School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environ
KAWAMOTO Toshihiro
Department of Environmental Health, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
Department of Radiation Biology and Health, University of Occupational and Environmental Health
Kunugita Naoki
Department of Health Information Science, School of Health Sciences, University of Occupational and
Kunugita Naoki
University of Occupational and Environmental Health
Kunugita Naoki
Department Of Health Information Science School Of Health Sciences University Of Occupational And En
Kawamoto Toshihiro
Department Of Environmental Health School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environmental H
Kawamoto Toshihiro
Department Of Environmental Health University Of Occupational &environmental Health
Norimura T
Department Of Radiation Biology And Health School Of Medicine University Of Occupational And Environ
Kunugita Naoki
Department Of Health Information Science School Of Health Science
Kunugita Naoki
Dept Radiation Biology &health
Norimura Toshiyuki
Dept Radiation Biology &health
Kakihara Hiroyo
Department Of Radiation Biology &health
Norimura Toshiyuki
Univ. Of Occupational &environmental Health
Department of Environmental Health, National Institute of Public Health
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