Effects of Colcemid Concentration on Chromosome Aberration Analysis in Human Lymphocytes
- 論文の詳細を見る
As a part of technical improvements of chromosome aberration analysis on human peripheral lympho-cytes for biological radiation dosimetry, we examined the optimal conditions for the use of colcemid in chromosome preparation in order to obtain enough number of cells at metaphase in the first cell division. When treated with colcemid at concentrations below 0.01 μg/ml from the beginning of culture, cultures harvested at 48 hours had low mitotic indices. Colcemid treatment at 0.025 to 0.05 μg/ml during 48 hours resulted in high mitotic indices (8 to 15%) and almost of the mitotic cells remaining in the 1 st cell division, suggesting that this range of colcemid concentration was appropriate for continuous treatment with colcemid. We further examined the effect of colcemid concentration on the quantitative consistency of the yields of radiation-induced chromosome aberration. Repeated experiments showed that the yield of dicentrics and centric rings in the culture having colcemid at 0.025 μg/ml concentration were larger than that at 0.05 μg/ml. These data indicate the importance of assuring the accuracy colcemid concentration in the lymphcyte culture for cytegenetic radiation dosimetry.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
Jiang Tao
小林 定喜
放射線医学総合研究所 人間環境研究部
Jiang Tao
Laboratory Of Industrial Hygiene Ministry Of Health
早田 勇
早田 勇
神田 玲子
早田 勇
小林 定喜
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