Radiation Cataract : II. BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS
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This report reviews the relationship of ionizing radiation to the occurrence of cataracts (posterior lenticular opacities) among the A-bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The new DS86 doses are available for 1, 983 (93.4%) of the 2,124 A-bomb survivors analyzed in 1982. The DS86 kerma neutron component for Hiroshima is much smaller than its comparable T65DR component, but still 4.2 fold higher (0.38 Gy at 6 Gy) than that in Nagasaki (0.09 Gy at 6 Gy). Thus, if the eye is especially sensitive to neutrons, there may yet be some useful information on their effects, particularly in Hiroshima. Under the best fitting dose-response model, an L(gamma)-L(neutron) with two thresholds, both the gamma and neutron regression coefficients of the occurrence of cataracts on dose are positive and highly significant for the DS86 eye organ doses. The DS86 gamma coefficient is almost the same as that associated wih the T65DR gamma dose, the ratio of the two coefficients being 1. 1 (95% confidence limits: 0.5-2.3) for DS86 kerma in the individual dose data, and if the risks based on the DS86 eye organ dose and DS86 kerma are compared, the ratio is 1. 3(0.6-2.8). However, the risk estimates associated with neutron exposure are 6.4 (2.2-19.2) fold higher for the DS86 kerma than the T65DR kerma and 1.6 (0.5-2.3) fold higher for the DS86 eye organ dose than for the DS86 kerma.
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