Protective and Sensitizing Effects of D_2O Treatment on Thermal Responses of Chinese Hamster Cells
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Modification of thermal sensitivity by deuterated water (D_2O) was examined in Chinese hamster V-79 cells. When cells were exposed to hyperthermia at 44°C in a medium containing 20 to 85% D_2O, cell survival was remarkably increased. Thus, D_2O applied during hyperthermia resulted in thermal protection. However, when cells were treated with D_20 (50%) medium for 4 to 24 hours and then exposed to hyperthermia in normal medium, thermal sensitization was observed. Increasing interval time at 37°C between D_2O and hyperthermic treatments, the thermal sensitization was rapidly reduced and reached to the normal level in about 4 hours of the interval. On the other hand, thermotolerance induced during step-up heating (42→ 44°C sequence) was reduced by pretreatment of cells with 50% D_2O medium for 4 or 24 hours. In split hyperthermia (44 → 44°C sequence) experiments, when cells were incubated at 37°C for 24 hour-interval in 50% D_2O medium, survival of cells was markedly reduced, and the shoulder of the survival curve almost disappeared.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
宮越 順二
稲垣 千代子
宮越 順二
宮越 順二
小田 和佐子
上野 陽里
宮越 順二
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