Physical Basis of RF Hyperthermia for Cancer Therapy (4) A Device for Non-Invasive Local Deep Heating in Hyperthermia Treatment
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A non-invasive applicator for local deep hyperthermia was deviced. The applicator is composed of a one-turn square coil in columnar shape through which the RF current flows. The material to be heated is placed at one of the external sides of the coil. The energy deposited at a depth of 11 cm by the RF applicator, 20 cm in height, 20 cm in width and 60 cm in length, was estimated 17% of that at the depth of 1 cm. The assessment was made on the condition that the two applicators be placed face to face at a distance of 22 cm. The energy deposited at a depth of 11 cm was estimated 68% of that at the depth of 1 cm.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
石田 哲哉
加藤 博和
石田 哲哉
加藤 博和
石田 哲哉
加藤 博和
岡山大学大学院 保健学研究科放射線技術科学分野
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