Autopsy Studies of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1954-1974) : Relation to Atomic Bomb Radiation
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The authors examined 155 autopsy cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis in the Life Span Study sample including both A-bomb survivors and controls in Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1954 to 1974). Hashimoto's thyroiditis was classified into lymphoid, diffuse and fibrous types and the following results were obtained. No difference existed in the effects of A-bomb radiation in the incidence and ATB. The ratio of males to females did not reveal statistical significance, even though reversed ratio was noted in the high dose group. The variation of thyroid gland weight in T65 dose or by variant showed no significant pattern, even though the smallest average weight was found in the highest radiation exposure group. The complication in the patients with Hashimoto's thy- Glossary Life Span Study : Established at RERF (ABCC) to investigate mortality patterns of A-bomb survivors were enumerated from the A-bomb survivors' supplement to the 1950 Japanese National Census. Four groups were defined and Group 3 and 4 were matched by sex and age to Group 1 and otherwise randomly selected. Since Group 2 was smaller than Group 1, matching was not possible.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
浅野 正英
矢川 寛一
加藤 寛夫
加藤 寛夫
矢川 寛一
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