Estimation of Photon Energy S pectra Based on 34 x 34 Response Matrix
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The 34x34 response matrix whose energy divisions were chosen as 0.02 MeV betwee 0 and 0.1MeV and chosen as 0.1MeV between 0.1 and 3 MeV was constructed, and pulse-height distributions obtained by 3"φ spherical Nal(Tl) scintillation spectrometer were unfolded by a response matrix method into true photon energy spectra. The derived spectra were discussed precisely in the energy region from 0 to 3 MeV. Exposure rates were calculated from the spectra, and these values were compared with those measured with an ionization chamber to make sure the total number of incident photons on the detector. In many types of radiations in natural environment, γ-radiation emitted from natural radionuclides is one of the main causes of exposure to human body. For investigation of exposure of human body, it is important to know the spatial density and the energy distribution of γ-radiation in natural environment. In other words, true energy spectrum must be evaluated in the energy region from 0 to 3 MeV at the place of interest in order to estimate the some useful quantities on health physics. Furthermore, low energy part of the spectrum below 0. 1 MeV must be evaluated in detail because of rapid change in absorption coefficient in air or human tissue.
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