Genetic Effects : Cytogenetis Study
- 論文の詳細を見る
Chromosomes of the children of A-bomb survivors and appropriate control groups in Hiroshima and Nagasaki have been investigated to see if there are any genetic effects of A-bomb irradiation on the germ cell chromosomes of their parents. Data thus obtained have been compared with those derived from surveys on consecutive live-born infants undertaken by investigators in western countries, as well as those from induced abortuses in Japan, in terms of the frequency of individuals with both sex chromosome aneuploidy and autosomal balanced structural rearrangements. A preliminary statistical analysis shows no significant difference in frequency of chromosome anomalies in children born to the exposed compared with children of non-exposed parents, or with neonates or abortuses. The need for continuing this survey is clearly indicated. Genetic studies of the effects of irradiation have been carried out extensively on various experimental animals, particularly Drosophila and mice. With the rapid advances in cytogenetic techniques, observations on the induction of chromosome abnormalities in germ cells of irradiated animals have been actively undertaken, and attempts have been made to extrapolate these experimental data to man.
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