Inactivation of Bacterial Cells by Cyclotron Beam
- 論文の詳細を見る
B. subtilis spores, E. coli B_<s-1> and E. coli B/r were bombarded with α-particles and heavy ions of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen accelerated in the IPCR Cyclotron. The RBE versus LET_∞ curve for B. subtilis spores showed a maximum peak at 〜120 keV/μm, while those for E. coli B_<s-1> and E. coli B/r declined without any maximum as LET_∞ values increased. In the region of α-particles, the effective inactivation cross section (S_<eff>) for these three strains increased with increasing LET_∞, and the rates of increase in Setf in the LET region from 〜30 to 〜150 keV/μm were 15.0, 1.5 and 2.5 times for B. subtilis spores, E. coli B_<s-1> and E. coli B/r, respectively. In the case of B. subtilis spores, Seff values for heavy ions were almost independent of their energies, but the other two strains showed a considerable dependence upon beam energy. The charcteristic LET dependence of Seff observed in this study was fairly well explained by the target theory based on microdose concept.
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