Clinical Studies on Radiation Injuries Resulting from Accidental Exposure to an lridium-192 Radiographic Source
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Six wrokers were accidentally exposed to a 5.3 Ci ^<192>Ir source. One case showed severe pancytopenia associated with marked bone marrow hypoplasia. Although no significant signs of infection and of hemorrhage were observed, he was isolated in a bio-clean room and was administered with antibiotics prophylactically. He was recovered without any further measures, such as blood transfusion and bone marrow transplantation. In three cases, radiation dermatitis were observed. The ulcers developed on the buttocks of one patient were corrected surgically. Azoospermia was noted in one case and oligospermia in five other cases.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
栗栖 明
平嶋 邦猛
熊取 敏之
杉山 始
熊取 敏之
- Chromosome Aberrations in Persons Accidentally Exposed to ^Ir Gamma-Rays
- Hematological Studies of Six Cases of Accidental Exposure to an Iridium Radiographic Source
- Clinical Studies on Radiation Injuries Resulting from Accidental Exposure to an lridium-192 Radiographic Source
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