The Determination of Plutonium in Soil Samples
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The contents of plutonium-239 in soil were determined by using ^<238>Pu as yield tracer. The samples were decomposed by nitric acid treatment under ultrasonic vibration and the separation of plutonium from other elements was carried out by using anion exchange resin. The surface soils showed the plutonium content of about 1〜4 mCi/km^2 and their ^<239>Pu/^<90>Sr activity ratios were 2〜5%. From these results, it was concluded that ^<239>Pu in soil at present was brought mainly by the fall-out due to the nuclear bomb test explosion.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
阪上 正信
井上 義和
Institute of Radiological Sciences
阪上 正信
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University
阪上 正信
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Kanazawa University
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