Strontium-85 and Calcium-45 Uptake by Rat from Brown Seaweeds
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The brown seaweeds have a preference for ^<85>Sr and take this nuclide two to three times as much as ^<45>Ca from sea water. Three kinds of brown seaweeds which previously incorporated 85Sr and ^<45>Ca were administered to rats by a stomach tube. Amount of ^<85>Sr which was retained in these rats was much less than that in control group, while there was no significant difference for ^<45>Ca retention. These facts are attributable to alginate contained in the brown seaweeds.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
市川 龍資
Division of Environmental Health, National Institute of Radiological Sciences
市川 龍資
National Institute of radiological Sciences
榎本 好和
榎本 好和
Division Of Environmental Hygiene Nirs
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