粘土の湿潤熱 : 乾燥, 加熱前処理の影響
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In order to investigate the effects of drying or heating on the surface properties of clay minerals against water, heat-of-wetting in water was measured for clays of montmorillonite and kaolinite types. Before the measurement, cations on the surface of the original clay particles were exchanged for Ca2+, Mg2+, H+, Na+, or K+ ions, and the clay particles adsorbing these cations were dried or heated at various temperatures up to several hundreds degrees.The results obtained are summarized as follows:1) The heat-of-wetting of clay minerals is greatly affected by the condition of drying or heating pretreatment.2) As has already been recognized by many authors, the heat-of-wetting of clays is closely correlated with the type of cation adsorbed on their surface. Because of the other complicated factors involved, however, the heat-of-hydration of cations adsorbed is unable to estimate quantitatively from the measured value of the heat-of-wetting of clay.3) The estimation of the hydration character of the original clay surface from heat-of-wetting value is rather absurd than unable, because the preheating of the clay sample which is a necessary procedure for the measurement of heat-of-wetting greatly changes the original state of the clay surface by fixing adsorbed cations on its surface.Some critical discussions were made on the published works carried out so far on the same subject by many authors.
- 社団法人日本セラミックス協会の論文
- 1961-06-01
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