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To investigate the service life of wood-based bearing wall panels for exterior use, simple test methods of rigidity and horizontal shear strength of the semi-scale models of panels are being developed by the authors' group. One of the most consistent and reliable test methods for repeated rigidity measurements before and after outdoor exposure has been established, utilizing the diagonal compression of two square panels with frames on the edges (Figs. 1 and 2). The sizes of the panel shown in Fig. 5 are recommended from the feasibility. The results and discussions are summarized as follows : (1) Consistency and invariability of the new method after the repeated loads are verified. (2) As for the glued or nail-glued panels, the rigidity and strength of five kinds of wood-based panels measured by this method are 1.5 to 3 times larger than those by the traditional racking test method, which is mainly due to the difference in stress distribution and load transmission between two methods. (3) The stress distribution in the facing material of the panel loaded by this method is more homogeneous and symmetric than that by the racking test method. (4) The load transmission along the edges of a panel loaded by this method is rather insufficient in comparison with that in the racking test. (5) As for the nailed panels, loosing of nails causes the stress distribution to become even, so that almost the same strength is attained by the two different test methods.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1975-09-15
瀧野 真二郎
金田 弘
佐々木 光
瀧野 真二郎
内田 良禾
増田 稔
満久 祟麿
金田 弘
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