高張力綱の内部摩擦におよぼす結晶粒径, 微細組織と冷間加工の影響
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Effects of grain size, microstructure and cold work on the internal friction were investigated usuing a commersial high-tensile strength steel HT 80. The internal friction increased with decreasing grain size in the heat-treated specimens for both ferrite-pearlite and sorbite structures, while it did not exhibit any detectable any detectable grain-size dependence in the cold worked and heat-treated (recrystallized) apecimens. At small strain amplitudes, the internal friction was larger in the heat-treated specimens with ferrite-pearlite structure than those with sorbite structure, irrespective of grain size. But, the internal friction was large in the latter specimens at large strain amplitudes and at larger grain sized. The internal friction of the high-tensile strength steel in the case was principally atteibuted to the magneto-mechanical hysteresis loss and the viscous flow at grain boundaries and ferrite-pearlite phase boundaries. The internal friction and the hardness increased with increasing amount of cold work. The increase of internal friction was larger at larger amounts of cold work and at larger strain amplitudes.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1992-02-15
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- 高張力綱の内部摩擦におよぼす結晶粒径, 微細組織と冷間加工の影響