粘土の応力緩和機構についての考察 : 土,岩石,コンクリートのレオロジー
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Recently, with development of soil engineering, when we stand on a view-point that the soil is also one of the engineering materials such as the high polymer or metal, and wish to explain unificatively the complicated mechanical behaviour of soils, it is methodologically necessary that we must consider an introduction of thermo-dynamics and statistical mechanics based on the molecular theoretical investigation. In this case, however, we cannot avoid facing a difficulty which is due to that the deformations of soils are irreversible in general, because the thermo-dynamical analysis is confined to considerations of reversible process of deformation only. Then, in order to overcome the above difficulty, the authors have established several assumptions as follows : (1) The authors have adopted a network structure of "card-house" presented by T.K. TAN for the skeletal structure of clay. However, we cannot mathematically express a formal distribution of the skeletal structure merely by this network structure. Therefore, a pattern showed in Fig. 2(a) was presented by the authors anew, which was a cross section of the clay network structure. In Fig. 2(b), a broken line turned at random was called "imaginary chain" of the clay network by the authors, further the mutual contact between the clay particles (i.e., the turning point of the imaginary chain) was denominated "unit mechanism of deformation". The bonding force at this contact point, of course may be due to Coulomb attraction force between the positively charged edges and negatively charged flat sides of the clay particles, van der Waals forces, bonding by cations, and dipole hydrogen bridges.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1963-05-15
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- 465.カーバイド泥によるマサ土の安定処理に関する実験
- 粘土の応力緩和機構についての考察 : 土,岩石,コンクリートのレオロジー
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