- 論文の詳細を見る
When timber and wooden based materials are used as members of the structure, they are often subjected to the bending load and there are varieties of supporting conditions at the edges. There are for example, simply supporting edges and built-in edges besides the elastically built-in edges which are the commonest. The mechanical behavior of plates and of many other materials naturally changes in the bending with the supporting conditions at the edges. In this report, the coefficient α and k which depend on the rigidity of restraint along the edges in the bending of the strip are taken into consideration (cf. Eqs. (5) and (8)) and the quantity α and k have been obtained experimentally in the bending of hardboard strip as to a few supporting conditions at the edges ・・・・・by Sugi edge and Rubber edge (cf. Fig. 3). The results are shown in Table II. When the edges are supported elastically (by Sugi edge and Rubber edge), the quantity α and k take the values between those of the simply supporting edges and the built-in edges. Then the cofficient k is applied to calculation of the deflection of the square plate with elastically built-in edges (by Sugi edge and Rubber edge). Substituting the coefficient k and other values in Eq. (2l), we can calculate P/w_o of the square plate. P : Concentrated load acting at the center of the square plate, w_o : deflection at the center. The calculated value of P/w_o and the experimental value are shown in Table III. They coincide with each other very well when the sides of the square plate are 30 and 35 cm respectively in length. Although the problems on the supporting conditions at the edges are difficult and complicated, this is a helpful substitute in calculating the deflection of the plate with elastically built-in edges.
- 社団法人日本材料学会の論文
- 1971-11-15
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